Two Siblings Make a New Year's Resolution to Put Their Phones Away at the Table

Vaidehi, Shaurya, and Eshita are sitting at the dining table for dinner.

Vaidehi: Mom, can I use my phone at the table?

Eshita: No, Vaidehi. Phones are for after dinner.

Shaurya: But Mom, I need my phone to check my email.

Eshita: Shaurya, you can check your email after dinner. Right now, we're trying to have a family conversation.

Vaidehi: But Mom, everyone else uses their phones at the table.

Eshita: That's not true. And even if it was, that doesn't mean it's right. Phones are a distraction. They keep us from connecting with each other in real life.

Shaurya: But Mom, I can still connect with you while I'm on my phone.

Eshita: You can, but it's not the same. When you're on your phone, you're not really present. You're not paying attention to what's going on around you.

Vaidehi: I guess you're right, Mom.

Shaurya: Yeah, I guess you're right.

Eshita: I'm glad you agree. Now, let's put our phones away and enjoy our dinner.

Vaidehi: Okay, Mom.

Shaurya: Okay, Mom.

The family puts their phones away and enjoys their dinner. After dinner, Vaidehi and Shaurya are allowed to use their phones again. They check their email, text their friends, and play games. However, they know that they need to be mindful of how much time they spend on their phones. They want to make sure that they're still able to connect with each other and with the people around them in real life.

Vaidehi: Hey Shaurya, remember that time we were playing on our phones at the table and we missed Mom telling us about her day?

Shaurya: Yeah, that was embarrassing. We were so focused on our phones that we didn't even hear her.

Vaidehi: I know. It's a good thing she didn't get too mad at us.

Shaurya: Yeah, she's pretty understanding.

Vaidehi: I'm glad we learned our lesson. From now on, we'll put our phones away when we're at the table.

Shaurya: Me too. I don't want to miss out on anything important again.

The two siblings put their phones away and enjoy the rest of their night. They talk and laugh, and they connect with each other in a way that they couldn't when they were constantly on their phones.

Moral of the story: Mobile phones can be a great way to stay connected with friends and family, but it's important to use them in moderation. When we're constantly on our phones, we can miss out on the important things in life. So, let's put our phones away and enjoy the moment!

Interactive element: The interactive element in this story is the conversation between Vaidehi and Shaurya. The conversation shows how the two siblings have learned from their mistake of being on their phones at the table and how they are now committed to putting their phones away when they are together as a family. This conversation helps to reinforce the moral of the story, which is that it is important to use mobile phones in moderation so that we don't miss out on important things in life.

